Oleksandre Litvinov combines different styles and techniques in his paintings, dominated by still lifes and landscapes that make his works rare and unique.

Born on 3 February 1955 in Chernivtsi in Ukraine, he graduated from the department of graphic arts of the Pedagogical Institute in Odessa in 1976 and has been a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1988.

The artist’s works are presented at Chernivtsi Art Museum, at the Brancusi Gallery in Romania, at the department of art exhibitions of Ukraine, at the Embassy of Austria in Ukraine, as well as in private collections. Alexandre LITVINOV participates in national and international exhibitions.

Personal exhibitions:

1. Ukraine, Chernivtsi art museum, 2020
2. Austria, Wolfsberg, Municipal gallery, 2019
3. Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Vernissage Gallery, 2017
4. Ukraine, Kiev, Embassy of Austria, 2013
5. Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Sweet-Art Gallery, 2012
6. Ukraine, Kiev, Kolo Gallery, 2011
7. Austria, Wolfsberg, Municipal gallery, 2011
8. Ukraine, Kiev, 36 Gallery, 2010.
9. Germany, Augsbourg, Bucovina Institute, 2010