In the shadow of the Caucasus mountains and by the Black Sea, Arthur’s exceptional photographic talent transcends borders, capturing the essence of key moments in sports, journalism, and Olympic ceremonies with unparalleled precision and passion.

In the shadow of the Caucasus mountains and by the Black Sea, Arthur LEBEDEV’s exceptional photographic talent transcends borders, capturing the essence of key moments in sports, journalism, and Olympic ceremonies with unparalleled precision and passion. Born in the city of Sochi, the hottest in Russia, nestled at the foothills of the Caucasus mountains and along the Black Sea, he has been a professional photographer since 2011. Starting as an amateur, he progressed to providing photographic content for online blogs before becoming a photojournalist, focusing on reportage, documentary, and sports photography. From 2012 to 2015, he worked as a photographer for the online journal “Sochi News.” From 2012 to 2018, he operated as an independent photographer for the Russian news agency TASS. Since 2018 until 2022, he has been an independent photographer for the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, also serving as the principal photographer for the hockey club “Sotchi” from 2018 to 2022.

Maintaining a fruitful collaboration with the international press agency Associated Press since 2012, his publications extend to the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA) and the international news agency Reuters. Notably, he served as the principal photographer for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2014 Sochi Olympic and Paralympic Games. His photographs have been featured in various Russian national newspapers such as Kommersant, Vedomosti, Russki Reporter, Rossiyskaïa Gazeta, RBK, etc., as well as in international publications like Time, Daily Mail, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Daily Express, etc. His works have been chosen as the “Photo of the Day” by the British newspapers The Telegraph and The Guardian, and also by the Al Jazeera agency.

Awards and Exhibitions:

2014 – Exhibition “Golden Focus.” Workshop of the Union of Journalists of the Krasnodar Region. Russia, Krasnodar.

2015 – Andrei Stenin International Photojournalism Competition (Russia). Work: Olympic Ceremony Preparations in Sochi 2014. Category: series. Jury Honorable Mention.

2016 – Winner of the Russian photo competition “The Best of Russia.” Category: People, Events, Everyday Life. Work: Massive descent on “Megalavina” bikes in Sochi.

2017 – Andrei Stenin International Photojournalism Competition (Russia). Work: Search and rescue operation at the Tu-154 plane crash site in Sochi in late December 2016. Category: top news. Jury Honorable Mention.

2017 – Andrei Stenin International Photojournalism Competition (Russia). Work: Before the Departure. Category: sports. Jury Honorable Mention.

2017 – Winner of the Balkan Photo Award international competition (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Work: Flyboard Record. Category: sports.

2017 – Finalist in the SIPA International Competition (Italy). Work: Flyboard Record. Category: sports.